Who are we?

Hera Mindful Healing was developed in 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Not only was there a viral crisis, but there was also a mental health crisis. The combination of a national lockdown and a decrease of available employment, led to phenomenal financial stresses for much of the adult population. This led to a sizeable increase in reported cases of anxiety. NHS England reported that diagnosed cases of anxiety, which pre-pandemic were around 5%, increased to 31% (NHS England, 2022). A focus group of dedicated professionals with resonating beliefs was then constructed, leading to the founding  of Hera Mindful Healing.


The mind is the first place that can facilitate positive growth and healing. We offer sessions to harness growth and turn thoughts into positivity and health


Our bodies manifest the outcomes of our environment and our minds. It is up to us to nurture our bodies, through mindful practice and relaxation. To allow our bodies the ability to breathe in the positive energy.


This is who we truly are-our essence- our authentic self. In order to keep ourselves well, we should be in alignment with our truth. Life and circumstances can easily take us off course, but we know in our hearts when we are not aligned. By coming back to our centre, our bodies heal themselves.

We believe that a one-size-fits-all approach to mental wellbeing and personal development is not fit for purpose in our modern society. We see people as individuals, shaped by their beliefs, backgrounds and cultures. People should be treated as such, rather than as numbers on a spread sheet. We focus on qualitative results – straight from our service users and clients. Individual attention is key to one’s growth and the enablement of long-term change. Our programmes are adapted to individual needs, but designed to be successful across a broad spectrum, which can be replicated in any setting.

Hera Mindful Healing is fully committed to making a real difference in the lives of everyday people. We reinvest all profits directly back into our services. Working in this way enables us to offer free, or heavily subsidized, sessions to those who would not otherwise be able to afford them.

Each one of us can make a difference, together we can facilitate real change.